Laptop Windows Recovery

PC Laptop Windows Recovery

I recently came across a post regarding a problem experienced in trying to recover a broken Windows Vista Operating System on a Laptop. The laptop was supplied without a Windows installation disk; an increasingly common scenario.

Laptop Windows Recovery After Operating System Changed

This reminds of a similar situation I had to fix for a laptop for a client. The client bought his laptop from a retail PC chain store. It came as all these chains store boxes do, with only the basics. There is not much one can do with PC that has nothing but the bare basics provided in Windows. It didn’t take long until my client needed MS Office installed.

The client was not a technical person and had no idea how to install a program. An IT support guy at work offered to get and install the software for him. Now, it is fair to expect such a person responsible for maintaining a fairly large company’s computer network to do a good and proper job.

The laptop came back with the expected Office applications installed. All was fine at first until a short while later the program stopped working. Yes, you know what is coming next.

Bootleg Software…

This so-called ‘expert’ had installed an illegal (or duplicate) copy of MS office. He had overwritten the windows installation with another version. The laptop came with Vista Home Premium, while the fundi had installed a Business Version.

The so called IT expert may then have used the same authorisation code on another PC. Whatever the cause, my clients laptop windows installation was seen as illegal.

Windows got deactivated by Microsoft’s authentication server. By this time the expert had left the clients’ company, and was no longer available.

When I got Involved

So enter myself. The client asked me to look at the laptop, and fix it. I asked for the Windows install disk, boy none had been provided for this HP Pavilion laptop.

Over to to download the Windows ISO installer file. Find the package that matched the laptops’ original WIndows version, Run the install, use the original windows key provided, do the updates, and all was fine.

A retail version of MS Office was then installed; Unfortunately the client had did not buy the laptop from me. If he had would have been able to provide him at the time of sale with a DSP version of the application. In the end he could have saved himself quite a bit of cash.

DSP stands for Delivery Service Partner. By providing this to a client the seller undertakes to provide the backup service which Microsoft offers free as part of the Retail Version. Alternatively the buyer can pay Microsoft on a ‘per incident’ basis. The vender, by selling a DSP version, agrees to comply with the terms as stipulated by Microsoft.

No Windows Disk With Laptops

Laptop manufacturers (OEM – Original Equipment Manufacturers) seem to feel that the built-in recovery function is sufficient. To them it saves the small change it costs to supply a disk.

Sadly, the recovery system does not always work… damaged hard drives, viruses, and numerous other lesser factors can prevent this from working as expected.

The unhappy laptop owner put the blame on Microsoft; “since Microsoft stopped supplying installation disks with laptops” I contend this is not Microsoft’s fault, it is the OEM laptop manufacturers fault.  Microsoft does not manufacture laptops. In fact Microsoft made Vista readily available, and 7 can be installed from any disk using the matching version and the PC owners ‘key’.

Microsoft Sells Licences not Disks

Microsoft does not sell Windows CD’s, they sell the licence, i.e. the right to use the operating system. Anyone can download the operating system from their website for free, and even run it on trial for a limited period of time. When you decide to keep the version you are happy with, purchase the licence, enter the activation code, and you have a full and legal Windows installation.

I agree that not having the disk on hand is annoying. Perhaps it is time Microsoft demanded OEM’s provided an installation disk included with the package. Consumer demand is of course the real answer. Refuse to buy any equipment that does not come with a legal version of the operating system, whether it is new or used.

Laptop Windows Recovery Process Hindered by Big Brands

It is not exactly a new phenomenon. Going as far back as Windows XP and perhaps even earlier, OEM’s were providing their own disks. These often had a customised Windows installation, rather than the standard version which Microsoft provides on their own disks.

Dell and HP laptop logosVery often these OEM’s (and I mention Dell, and Hewlett Packard) had hard coded the BIOS. This locked the BIOS, making it extremely difficult for owners, even technicians, to install any other version of operating system. They of course will contend this is to “improve the user experience of their products” and other such nonsense! This practice was not only limited to laptops, but the desktops from some manufacturers also had this limitation built-in.

They may do this in order to lock their customers into their own support network. It is reasonable to expect the owner of ANY equipment to be required to make use of a manufacturers support service during the WARRANTY period. Making it extremely difficult for the owner to choose another service agent outside of warranty is a violation of consumer rights. This is definitely the case  in my own country, and I am certain this applies in the USA and much of the EU as well. Consumers have a right to choose!

All is not lost however

As mentioned, the operating system can be obtained from Microsoft or other sources. Just download it (using another PC if the one with the problem has totally ceased to work, burn it to a disk a writable DVD will be required) and run this on the PC (or laptop) required. You may need to choose which version to use.

On your laptop or desktop, there will be a ‘certificate of authenticity’ which describes the version the licence is for, and the ‘key’ to enter when requested. That’s it, the installer will continue and the system will soon be back up and running.

Support for MicroSoft Windows
Microsoft Will Help

We all love to slate Microsoft, as we do in the case of any big corporate, and MS is BIG. However MS is very helpful to LEGAL users of their software. Al long as it can be proven you have purchased a genuine version of any of their applications, they will assist you to recover the application. Lets consider a few instances how this can be achieved:

  • You have lost your installation disk and need to re-install. As long as you have the certificate of authenticity (the ‘key number’) any matching version disk can be used to re-install and the server will activate the software.
    • The software can be installed, and there are a number of ways to activate. If it is a re-installation on a PC which still has the original components (that hasn’t had a big upgrade like a new CPU or another mainboard, the activation server will direct you to find a hidden code. This code when entered will satisfy the server it is genuine Microsoft. Alternatively phone the local Offices of Microsoft. Their telephone activation service will accomplish the same result.
    • If this fails, perhaps you had installed a more powerful processor, or replaced a damaged mainboard, or even installed un upgraded mainboard, call the same service centre where an operator will assist you through the process.
  • You have damaged or lost the certificate of authenticity, but have the genuine installation disk from Microsoft. Contact your local Microsoft offices. You may be asked to e-mail the support person a colour SCAN of the installation disk. This is sufficient to satisfy Microsoft you really do have a legal version of the software
  • You have lost or damaged the certificate of authenticity, and have also lost the disk (perhaps you moved house, and the box containing it ‘went missing’ in the move. If you have the receipt for the purchasing the genuine software from a supplier, Microsoft will once again help you.
  • With Windows XP, they would even provide a new disk, for a very small fee, to cover the cost of postage or other delivery. With 7 and Vista, the installer can be downloaded from the website as mentioned previously.

Of course, the onus is on you to provide proof you have paid for the licence to use the software. So keep your receipts!

As I mentioned, MS does not sell disks, it sells the licence to use what comes on the disk.